Celebrating personal discordia and spiritual anarchy.

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"Anarchy is not intended to be sustainable. It is not a system of government, a codified list of rules and beliefs, or a mind set geared toward cultural constructivism. It is a spark, a flash, a small flame that ignites a paradigm-obliterating explosion. It is destructive by nature. It lies dormant and, like diesel fuel, can only be ignited by tremendous pressure. It deconstructs. It strips flesh from bone and grinds bone to dust. It is doomed to consumption in the conflagration instigated by its own primal spark. It is a catalyst. It is tinder. It is powder and fuse."

Rich Oliver

Organic Singularity

Using linear views to explain, the universe is composed of infinite gradations of organizational matter in relation to scale, energetic capacity, and quantify able mass. The word "gradation" is not really even valid as an explanatory term for matter, as any delineation between perceived components of quantify able matter is extremely subjective and is determined by the intent, observational parameters, constraints, and limited scope of holistic interaction inherent in the limits of technology used in the process. One must use the infinite if one is to view the infinite. Use of limited technology only allows us to view those aspects of the infinite constrained to the narrow observational spectrum dictated by the device itself. It is due to this narrow view that we assume the universe, etc., to be composed of observable "units". There are, in fact, no gradients, only cooperative interaction when it comes to "units" of matter. Matter is one. It is impossible to measure where one "unit" ends and another begins in relation to actual composition and function. Our science is speculative at best. There is no "smallest" or "largest" in relation to observable, empirical, quantify able matter. The answer is "source". Alpha and Omega as legitimate explanation of the scope of matter should be considered. Beginning and end, smallest and largest, exclusive or all encompassing are all subjective views from the perspective of linear measure. Infinite perspective holds true for all aspects of creation. Gradations are a product of linear thought and reason culled from a reality in which only one actual outcome in any given interaction is possible. Our present reality is such, or appears as such to our subjective minds. In the construct of source, all possible outcomes to any given interaction are all manifest simultaneously in a non linear, deeply layered fashion. Source is the Alpha and the Omega. No quantification is possible in relation to the infinite. It simply is all that is.... It helps to think of source as a intelligent, dynamic, interactive medium of transference and organization rather than attempting to rectify infinite concepts with finite, anthropomorphic visualizations of a quasi- human god.