The purpose of binding spells is to render harmless a person who is mentally or emotionally abusing you. When done properly, binding spells do not harm the target person, they simply make the person powerless to mentally or emotionally harm you.
These types of spells are preferable over revenge spells because you don't have the same kind of karmic backlash when you render a hurtful person harmless. Whenever you choose to harm another human being, whether they deserve it or not, there will always be some sort of consequence for you or those close to you, so you should always choose binding spells over revenge spells.
Small cloth poppet, with the head unstitched
Needle and thread
Personal item from the person you want to bind, such as fingernail clippings, hair, or piece of clothing
Red ribbon
Black candle
Call on Papa Legba to Open the doors to the Spirit World. Say:
Open the door papa Legba, your child awaits
Open the door Papa, so that I may pass
Open the door Papa Legba, when I return I will thank the Loa.
Light the black candle. Concentrating deeply on the person you are binding, place the personal object inside the head of the doll and sew it shut. Tie the red ribbon around the poppet's head, and around all areas of the body to symbolize immobilizing the person. Chant:
''With harm to none, my will be done
I hereby bind you (name of person)
Your words cannot harm me
Your thoughts cannot harm me
Your actions cannot harm me
You cannot harm me''
These types of spells are preferable over revenge spells because you don't have the same kind of karmic backlash when you render a hurtful person harmless. Whenever you choose to harm another human being, whether they deserve it or not, there will always be some sort of consequence for you or those close to you, so you should always choose binding spells over revenge spells.
Small cloth poppet, with the head unstitched
Needle and thread
Personal item from the person you want to bind, such as fingernail clippings, hair, or piece of clothing
Red ribbon
Black candle
Call on Papa Legba to Open the doors to the Spirit World. Say:
Open the door papa Legba, your child awaits
Open the door Papa, so that I may pass
Open the door Papa Legba, when I return I will thank the Loa.
Light the black candle. Concentrating deeply on the person you are binding, place the personal object inside the head of the doll and sew it shut. Tie the red ribbon around the poppet's head, and around all areas of the body to symbolize immobilizing the person. Chant:
''With harm to none, my will be done
I hereby bind you (name of person)
Your words cannot harm me
Your thoughts cannot harm me
Your actions cannot harm me
You cannot harm me''
Combine this with a soul retrieval and some sigil magik and things begin to boil quickly.