Celebrating personal discordia and spiritual anarchy.

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"Anarchy is not intended to be sustainable. It is not a system of government, a codified list of rules and beliefs, or a mind set geared toward cultural constructivism. It is a spark, a flash, a small flame that ignites a paradigm-obliterating explosion. It is destructive by nature. It lies dormant and, like diesel fuel, can only be ignited by tremendous pressure. It deconstructs. It strips flesh from bone and grinds bone to dust. It is doomed to consumption in the conflagration instigated by its own primal spark. It is a catalyst. It is tinder. It is powder and fuse."

Rich Oliver

Boiling Over

Feels like a collective pressure cooker out there. Fortunately, I have managed to find peace and relative calm in the midst of the slow boil. I do believe this is the calm just before the whole thing begins to spin. It is important to surround ourselves with friends and associates of like mind and ethics now. More important than we may think. The formation of spontaneous order and communities will be an inevitable outcome of the coming social chaos and it will be much better to be around those with a similar mindset. Gird up them loins ya'll.