Sometimes a connection is so powerful and intense that it is actually painful to remain close to it. Though it leaves a gaping emptiness inside, it may be beneficial to sever the connection in order to focus and survive in everyday life. Ironic. The absence of the connection makes everyday life appear lifeless and without color. I wonder what is next? I wonder if I will ever feel that again? I wonder if I want to... connections like that change a person forever, it seems life would have been easier not knowing that something like that is truly possible. Very rare. I may never have that again. Is it really living, then? I suppose if I stay open to the possibility of finding it in the future, then the mystery remains and hope can find a toehold.
I am a husk in the wind. I am a dried reed. Has anyone seen my balls?
I am a husk in the wind. I am a dried reed. Has anyone seen my balls?