Celebrating personal discordia and spiritual anarchy.

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"Anarchy is not intended to be sustainable. It is not a system of government, a codified list of rules and beliefs, or a mind set geared toward cultural constructivism. It is a spark, a flash, a small flame that ignites a paradigm-obliterating explosion. It is destructive by nature. It lies dormant and, like diesel fuel, can only be ignited by tremendous pressure. It deconstructs. It strips flesh from bone and grinds bone to dust. It is doomed to consumption in the conflagration instigated by its own primal spark. It is a catalyst. It is tinder. It is powder and fuse."

Rich Oliver


Dear The Powers That Be....
I think we are on to you now.
Hence the F
For, well, you know....


with respect, let us begin...

Yet another planetary mind fuck (YAPMF) is coming. As with all the previous planetary mind fucks before it, the criminals at the top of this insanity pyramid think it will aid in saving their ass. They think of it as 'remaining in control', but basically, these days, everything these criminal families do is to 'save their asses'. If they do not continue to maintain control over your mind, they are fucked. Well, let us be realistic. It is actually worse than that; they would not be merely fucked, more than likely they would be killed** out of sheer disgust at the centuries of corruption (soon to have been revealed). So, you see, they, the entrenched powers, have plenty of motivation to keep the whole 'control game' thing going. And as is also evident from the current levels of global instability in any context you care to discuss (economics, financial, political, terra, even space), the entrenched powers are getting desperate as control is slipping everywhere.

at HalfPastHuman.....

External Savior

The pathological need for an external savior extends beyond religous theology into all aspects of subconscious life. humans, it seems, are predisposed to giving up power, responsibility and rights to any and all external structure that represents itself as authority.
Sometimes this external takes anthropomorhic form. Sometimes it takes organizational form. Sometimes it takes the form of global trends,approaching comets, global warming, etc....

It is imperative that we remember the absolute, godlike nature of oue existence and inherent makeup. It is imperative that we reconnect with our internal locus of control.

Things are changing on a macro level that affect all life in this system. Awareness of the change and its connection to our percieved locus of control is the only way to manage the shift with any degree of survivability.

Be aware. Be empowered. Be your own savior.

London Calling

This is how revolution begins.

These people ARE revolutionaries in a very classical, historical sense. Why do we assume that all revolutionaries carry their colors on their chests and their opinions under their arms in codified book form as manifestos and declarations of intent and agenda? That smacks of extreme ignorance regarding history.

This is one of many battles, and it is a battle against a tyrannical mindset that puts one man above another in worth and stratta. More will follow. Until the mass result WILL be a revolution against inequality and external locus of control. Take another look at the Boston Massacre, a watershed event leading up to the American Revolution.

The basis for any historical revolt has always been money and access to goods. We have sustituted TVs, games and shoes for tea and stamps, but the underlying angst remains a result of inequality and financial pressure. Revolutions are waged in pregressive, incremental battles until they are able to gain momentum.

Public, civil disobedience serves to expose the illusary nature of control, it exposes the naked emporer for what he is. Fear keeps us in line. Fear is often a result of ignorance. Once we realize that there is no way the government can actually stop even a handful of angry teens, the rest of us begin to see that they will, in no way, be able to control us as a population if we decide we want to change the nature of our society.

The Boston Massacre exposed this fact.
The London Riots are doing the same.

Their power lies in illusion.
Ours lies in numbers.

Spark in the Wind

Look to England.

Is this not the beginning that we have been calling for? Why question the catalyst? Why question the agenda? The basic reasons for any revolution stem from stifling, oppressive structure imposed on an increasingly pressured population. It often rises in the “bare branches” of society, the unemployed, single males between 16 and 25. It rises in the oppressed class. It rises in the face of inequality and synchronous with internal realization and the sudden epiphany that all is not what it has been presented to be. Equality is a lie. The “American Dream” is a fabrication. It’s a level of externally opposed control.

Anarchy is awareness. Anarchy is the realization that one’s status is imposed externally without regard for the individuals input or opinion. Anarchy is the scream emerging in protest, a fist thrust into the air, a mind reaching the formative, unfocused eruption that will lead to change. Any change. ALL CHANGE. When our self awareness springs from an internal locus of control, we can no longer tolerate being controlled externally, especially by those that do not have our best interests in mind.

There will be casualties. Blood fertilizes change. It cannot be helped.

This is what we pray for. This is what we talk about till we are blue in the face, yet we don’t even recognize the makings of a revolution when it fondles us face to face in public. Stand up. Turn off your computers and TV sets. Live what you speak. Walk the walk. Make the sacrifice. Nut up or fucking shut up. Period.

Less than 4% of the American colonists actively participated in the events that led up to the Revolutionary War. Most were pissed off bare branches. Maybe we are forgetting that. Maybe we are shaking in our boots afraid to lose the piles of material shit we have painstakingly collected over the years. Maybe we are part of the problem.

It is here. This is it. Don’t get lost in the focus. It will sharpen up. It will gain a sense of itself. It will mature toward social change.

This is the catalyst.

Let’s burn this fucker down.


Why don’t psychics win lotteries?

That would be nice, right? Who wouldn’t want the inside scoop on the loot now and then? Shouldn’t someone who professes to predict certain aspects of the future have the upper hand in loot selection?

Unfortunately, the universe just doesn’t function on that level.

Third Dimensional manifestation, (magik), works on the principles of Chaos Theory and archetype identification / attraction. Thoughts, feelings, ideas, concepts, beliefs, etc. are essentially universal forth and fifth dimensional constructs and exist outside of semantic definition until they are “spoken” or invoked into third dimensional reality. An idea becomes tangible as soon as it is translated from thought to speech or writing. Thought literally transmutates from intangible to tangible through the medium of the host. It springs from the vessel, the instrument, the transceiver. This is pure alchemic interaction with the cosmic creator energy through the interface of a mortal body.

What does this have to do with winning the lottery, exactly?

I’m getting to that part…
Third dimensional, physical manifestation requires a degree of specificity to properly function. Specific details give universal archetypes room to distill along natural lines that vibrate at cohesive, congruent frequency matching the intended visualization. If you say “I want a red car”, the universe is going to key into “red’ and “car” without regard for make, model, model year, quality, size, shape, etc and you may end up, literally, receiving a red, toy car. You will receive EXACTLY what you ask for along the most convenient channel of manifestation. It is impossible, in the case of a lottery, to be that specific. Lotteries work with random number generators. The selection of lottery numbers begins, essentially, the moment the “button” on the generator is pressed. There is no room or time for thought, archetypal recognition or distillation along existing channels in the split second between activating the machine and receiving a result. Archetypal association with numbers is also a factor. Numbers represent rational, concrete concepts that do not adhere to non linear, intuitive archetype. It is possible, for example, to associate numbers, in your own mind, with smells, or colors for the sake of number divination, or extrapolate abstract values associated with numerology, etc with numbers in an attempt to delineate future trends and outcomes…but you have to be a damn genius to keep track of that info, or have access to a computer that integrates linear and nonlinear processes in predictive functions.

Number prediction and numerical trends are best left to linear processes. Your accountant or your favorite engineer is probably more likely to help you win the lotto than your psychic because they speak the numerical language without an intermediary translator between the left and right hemispheres of the brain…
Your stock broker can tell you if an investment is a good prospect financially, your psychic can tell you what kind of impact it will have on your quality of life or your life course. Different things entirely…

The argument against psychic intuition based on the “lotto dilemma” is misguided and denotes a basic lack of understanding of the differences between, and proper applications of, mythos and logos.